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The immunologist warned about the danger of infection omicron through food

Allergist-immunologist Vladimir Bolibok told the Moscow 24 TV channel that the “omicron” strain of coronavirus can settle on food and drinks.

This mainly applies to cold and frozen goods. According to the doctor, cases of infection through such contacts were confirmed in the first wave of the pandemic. However, the world has ceased to study this issue more substantively and take separate measures. Bolibok noted that only China continued to report on contaminated products that were brought into the country.

Theoretically, the immunologist said, the virus can enter the body through a dish next to which someone sneezed or coughed. He said that he did not remember that such cases were described, but this is possible.

“Naturally, here we are not talking about hot, but about cold dishes. Because when heated, the virus easily dies. Droplets of saliva with an infection can settle not so much on the food itself, but on the dishes. For example, on the edge of a glass or a spoon,” Bolibok said.

The allergist emphasized that infection can occur if the virus remains on the oral mucosa. When it enters the stomach, it will be digested, and hydrochloric acid will protect the body from foreign invasion.

Bolibok suggested that the number of children infected with coronavirus could increase, including due to the Omicron strain entering the stomach.

“A child produces hydrochloric acid poorly. Sometimes mixed with lactic acid. Perhaps because of this physiological process, children will experience breakthroughs of the coronavirus through the gastrointestinal tract. But there is no exact data on this matter, ”the doctor concluded.

Earlier, an infectious disease doctor, candidate of medical sciences Andrey Pozdnyakov spoke about the atypical symptoms of "omicron".

The immunologist warned about the danger of infection omicron through food