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An extension has appeared that blocks Twitter users with an NFT avatar

No sooner had the news about the appearance of NFT avatars on Twitter spread all over the world, as an extension for browsers began to gain popularity, which blocks all users who have an NFT avatar installed. At the time of this writing, the extension is available for Chrome and Firefox browsers. The tweet about the appearance of the expansion has already gained more than six thousand likes.

On the Github page of the project, the developer of this extension calls the NFT industry an "investment scam", citing the following statements as arguments:

Since the NFT system is designed in a stupid way, it becomes a serious climate threat. The higher the demand for NFTs, the higher the cost of energy costs. I don't want to be in a community with people who support this.

The NFT market is full of scams and theft of digital art.

The hype generated by NFT users is annoying. Those who buy NFTs must constantly support the hype so that others also buy NFTs, otherwise the whole pyramid will collapse.

Also, in addition to this solution, there are other ways to "mute NFT users" Twitter, which can be read about on the Github page of the project.

An extension has appeared that blocks Twitter users with an NFT avatar